Helping At-Risk Youth Build New Lives
With RYI by their side, exploited and at-risk youth create the lives they deserve.
Every Donation is an Investment in a New Future
A Donation to Roxbury Youthworks is an investment in deserving youth who are ready to move past trauma and towards a brighter, healthier future.
About RYI and the Community We Serve
Roxbury Youthworks, Inc. (RYI) is a community-based, minority nonprofit founded in 1981 to help high-risk youth heal from trauma and build a new life of safety, security and opportunities. RYI has supported multiple communities in Boston including Chelsea, Dorchester, Roslindale and Roxbury for over fourdecades. Our professional staff is committed to supporting court-involved and at-risk juveniles in these communities, often living in the same neighborhoods as the youth we serve. We have grown in size and expertise to effectively serve over 250 youths and their families each year.