Donors & Community Partners
Generous and Forward-Thinking Partners
By investing in our community efforts, these generous donors are investing in the future of our youth. We’re grateful for their commitment to our mission and community.
Fleck Family Gift Fund
Fred and Priscilla Doyle Fund advised by Nina Lalumia of Community Foundation of Henderson County
EJH Charitable Fund of the Bank of America
Charitable Gift Fund
Thomas G. Shapiro Charitable Fund
Michael Roitman Charitable Fund
Jeffrey and Patricia Cantor Petrucelly Giving Account
The Family and Friends of Alvin Glazerman
Dedicated to Ending Exploitation
Roxbury Youthworks believes that people in the sex trade should never be criminalized. Because of that, we believe the Equality Model is the right choice for Massachusetts, in which individuals in the sex trade are offered services rather than arrest, but those who do harm—the buyers and the exploiters— are held accountable. We do not support the full decriminalization of prostitution, which means there would be no accountability for the extraordinary harm inflicted within the sex industry.
Helpful Resources in One Click
We are a humble part of an ecosystem of resources, support, and help just waiting for you and yours. We’re all here to make sure help is within reach.
National Human Trafficking Resource Center
Youth Opportunities Unlimited (Y.O.U)
Massachusetts Commission on LGBTQ Youth