Jackson Square Lead Agency
Strong Foundations for Resilient Community Ties
We serve, support, and strengthen our communities at the source
Jackson Square Lead Agency
The Area Lead Agency program assists families involved with the Jackson Square Office of the Department of Children and Families (DCF) navigate the child welfare system. This is achieved through service coordination and planning of DCF contracted services. These include:
Congregate Foster Care
Treatment Residences
Emergency Residences
Medically Complex Residences
Youth and Young Adult Programs
Residential Schools
Support and Stabilization Services
A Roadmap to the Right Services
Lead Agency staff facilitate Family team Meetings with DCF personnel, youth, families and providers to develop action plans and identify appropriate services. The Lead Agency builds bridges between youth, families and service providers by providing a single point of entry for them to access DCF contracted services. The role of the Lead Agency staff is to partner with DCF caseworkers, youth and families to develop and monitor a network of providers to respond to the identified needs.
The goals of the Lead Agency are to achieve safely, permanency and overall well-being for children involved with the Department. It is also expected to have an effect on the out of home placement by:
Reducing the length of sty
Increasing placement stability
Strengthening the youth’s ties to their community
Access the least restrictive environment
A Central Hub for Support
Additionally, the Area Lead manages and dispenses the Jackson Square Office’s flexible funds for the use of children, youth and families. Funds are allocated for material support and services that are not available through its contracted services. The goals of these support funds are to keep families intact and promote overall well-being of children, youth and families. Examples of supports include:
Funds for recreational and after school activities
Driver’s education
Rent, heating and electricity assistance
Summer camp