The BUILD Program
A Haven for Others Exploited by CSE
BUILD Supports Cisgender Males, Trans, and Gender Diverse Youth
Support for the Other Victims of CSE
Being United In Leading our Destiny (BUILD) applies the successful GIFT model to cisgender males, trans and gender diverse youth who have experienced CSE and/or sexual assault or are at high risk. Most of the youth identify as queer and many have experienced housing insecurity or homelessness. BUILD is a safe space where youth are encouraged to drop in at any time. We provide extensive gender affirming items, understanding the importance of accepting a youth’s gender identity which is often fluid.
Consistent and Caring Daily Support
Last year, 6 BUILD participants identified as trans female and 6 identified as trans male. Of these 12 participants, 9 also identified as people of color. The intersectionality of their identities is always in the forefront of our work with them. It is not enough for us to help them only address the prejudices and discrimination they face as people of color; nor is it enough to for us to help them only with the prejudices and discrimination they face as trans females or as trans males. For each of them the intersectionality of their identities manifests itself in different ways, and we must be cognizant of this when crafting their individual goals and action plans. We take into account their overlapping identities and experiences in order to understand the complexity of prejudices they face. Their lived realities are shaped by different factors and social dynamics operating together.
How Intervention Helps
The Safe Schools Coalition recommends intervention models for LGBTQ homeless youth, including early intervention/prevention, youth housing models with supportive services, intensive case management, and drop-in centers. Lambda Legal’s 2017 “Safe Havens” report recommends providers affirm genders and support aspects of wellbeing by providing gender affirming spaces for positive self-development. BUILD provides all the prevention and intervention services recommended in these studies. Our Life Coaches are the unconditional supportive adults these youth need; they do extensive case management; they individually addresses housing needs of homeless or unstably housed youth. BUILD also provides funds for rental assistance, moving costs, and purchase of household goods; we have gender affirming items, clothing, shoes and hygiene items. Additionally, we assist youth in gaining and keeping employment. Finally, BUILD is a safe space where youth frequently come to check in with their Life Coach or BUILD staff.
BUILD is the only program in the Commonwealth that exclusively serves this population.